A Positive School Climate
Good communication between schools, school councils, and parents is enhanced by a positive school climate. How do you know if you have one?
Here are some signs to look for:
School environment feels inviting
- A ‘Welcome’ sign is posted at the entrance.
- Visitors are acknowledged when arriving.
- New families are given welcome packages when they register (letter from principal, school newsletter, maps, list of staff, parish letter, etc.)
Regular communication
- Monthly newsletters, calendar of activities.
- Bulletin boards, website kept current.
- Information and invitations for parents to get involved or attend school functions
- Council members act as ambassadors at school events
Success is celebrated
- Opportunities exist to recognize all students
- Children’s work is on display.
- Student/staff accomplishments inside and outside of school are showcased. e.g., charity, volunteer work, social justice, etc.
Signs of Catholicity are present
- Spiritual banners, cross, bible, crucifix, prayer and Eucharistic services.
Family events build community
- Families and the community are invited into the school for social events (BBQ, workshops, etc.)
- Children can write an invitation to parents.
Staff participation at school events
- Remember to invite staff to council events